Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Combo Christmas Gift and Textbook...

I've got a Christmas suggestion--especially for students who are low on cash. Why not buy a copy of Bryan Palmer's "The 1960's" , read the chapter called "Shelter From the Storm--the Cold War..." and then give the book to your parents for Christmas.

You don't need to have lived through the '60's to like this book. Bryan Palmer talks about the FLQ crisis (exactly 40 years ago), about Trudeau, McLuhan and others.

Speaking of McLuhan, I was watching "Madmen" last night--first season--and one of the characters said "The medium is the message". Ah... pure McLuhan.

Actually in the very first episode of Madmen, one of the women mentioned that she couldn't get to sleep at night because she was worried about "the bomb". Yes, it was Cold War times and Palmer's chapter on the Cold War gives an excellent overview of the "you nuke us, we'll nuke you right back" times.
We'll cover part of this in Geog 3496. Why? Because the Cold War and WW2 shaped the north.

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